Entity Filter Card

The Entity Filter card allows you to define a list of entities that you want to track only when in a certain state. Very useful for showing lights that you forgot to turn off or show a list of people only when they’re at home.

Screenshot of the Entity Filter card Screenshot of the Entity Filter card.

This type of card can also be used together with other cards that allow multiple entities, allowing you to use glance or picture-glance. By default, it uses the entities card model.

To add the Entity Filter card to your user interface, click the menu (three dots at the top right of the screen) and then Edit Dashboard. Click the Add Card button in the bottom right corner and select from the card picker.

YAML Configuration

This card can only be configured in YAML.

Configuration Variables

type string Required


entities list Required

A list of entity IDs or entity objects, see below.

state_filter list Required

List of strings representing states or filter objects, see below.

card map (Optional, default: entities card)

Extra options to pass down to the card rendering the result.

show_empty boolean (Optional, default: true)

Allows hiding of card when no entities returned by filter.

Options For Entities

If you define entities as objects instead of strings (by adding entity: before entity ID), you can add more customization and configurations:

Configuration Variables

entity string Required

Entity ID.

type string (Optional)

Sets a custom card type: custom:my-custom-card.

name string (Optional)

Overwrites friendly name.

icon string (Optional)

Overwrites icon or entity picture.

secondary_info string (Optional)

Show additional info. Values: entity-id, last-changed.

format string (Optional)

How the state should be formatted. Currently only used for timestamp sensors. Valid values are: relative, total, date, time and datetime.

state_filter list (Optional)

List of strings representing states or filter objects, see below.

Options For state_filter

If you define state_filter as objects instead of strings (by adding value: before your state value), you can add more customization to your filter:

Configuration Variables

value string Required

String representing the state.

operator string (Optional)

Operator to use in the comparison. Can be ==, <=, <, >=, >, !=, in, not in, or regex.

attribute string (Optional)

Attribute of the entity to use instead of the state.


Show only active switches or lights in the house.

type: entity-filter
  - entity: light.bed_light
    name: Bed
  - light.kitchen_lights
  - light.ceiling_lights
  - "on"

Show only people that are at home using glance:

type: entity-filter
  - device_tracker.demo_paulus
  - device_tracker.demo_anne_therese
  - device_tracker.demo_home_boy
  - home
  type: glance
  title: People at home

Entity filter combined with glance card Entity filter combined with glance card.

You can also specify multiple state_filter conditions, in which case the entity will be displayed if it matches any condition. This example will display everyone who is at home or at work.

type: entity-filter
  - device_tracker.demo_paulus
  - device_tracker.demo_anne_therese
  - device_tracker.demo_home_boy
  - operator: "=="
    value: home
  - operator: "=="
    value: work    
  type: glance
  title: Who's at work or home

Specify filter for a single entity.

type: entity-filter
  - "on"
  - operator: ">"
    value: 90
  - sensor.water_leak
  - sensor.outside_temp
  - entity: sensor.humidity_and_temp
      - operator: ">"
        value: 50
        attribute: humidity

Use a regex filter against entity attributes. This regex filter below looks for expressions that are 1 digit in length and where the number is between 0-7 (so show holidays today or in the next 7 days) and displays those holidays as entities in the Entity Filter card.

  - type: entity-filter
      title: "Upcoming Holidays In Next 7 Days"
      show_header_toggle: false
      - operator: regex
        value: "^([0-7]{1})$"
        attribute: eta
      - entity: sensor.upcoming_ical_holidays_0
      - entity: sensor.upcoming_ical_holidays_1
      - entity: sensor.upcoming_ical_holidays_2
      - entity: sensor.upcoming_ical_holidays_3
      - entity: sensor.upcoming_ical_holidays_4
    show_empty: false