Troubleshooting Assist

This section lists a few steps that may help you troubleshoot issues with Assist.

View debug information

  1. Go to Settings > Voice assistants.
  2. From the list of assistants, select your assistant. Select your assistant
  3. In the dialog, select Debug. Open the debug dialog
  4. At the top of the screen, from the dropdown menu, select the run you are interested in. Debug speech-to-text

Test a sentence per language without voice: without executing commands

If you want to test if a sentence works in a specific language without actually executing the commands, use the sentence parser in the Developer tools.

  1. Go to Developer tools > Assist.
  2. In the sentence parser, select the language and enter the sentence you want to test.
  3. The debug tool shows you the following:
    • The intent triggered.
    • The entities that were targeted.
    • Which of the targeted entities were matched. Open the Assist developer tool sentence parser

Test a sentence per assistant without voice: while executing the commands

If you want to test if a sentence works with a specific assistant while actively executing the commands, use the sentence parser in the Debug view.

  1. Open the debug view.
  2. In the top right corner, select the icon. Open the pipeline debug dialog
  3. Select the assistant you want to test.
  4. Select Run text pipeline. Open the pipeline debug dialog
  5. Enter the phrase you want to test and select Run. Open the pipeline debug dialog
  6. Check if it worked. Open the pipeline debug dialog
    • If the phrase does not work, try a variant. For example, if Turn off the light doesn’t work, try: Turn off the lights in the kitchen.
    • Check if your phrase is supported.
    • Make sure you are using the name of the area as it is defined in Home Assistant. If you have a room called bathroom, the phrase Turning on the lights in the bath won’t work.

I do not see any assistant

If under Settings > Voice assistants you do not see any assistants, you are not using the default configuration. The image below shows the Assist section.

Open the pipeline debug dialog

If the Assist section is missing entirely, you need to add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry