FFmpeg Noise

The ffmpeg platform allows you to use any video or audio feed with FFmpeg for various sensors in Home Assistant.

If the ffmpeg process is broken, the sensor will be unavailable. To control the FFmpeg process of sensor, use the service ffmpeg.start, ffmpeg.stop, ffmpeg.restart.


To add FFmpeg with noise detection to your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: ffmpeg_noise

Configuration Variables

input string Required

An FFmpeg-compatible input file, stream, or feed.

name string (Optional)

Override the name of your camera.

initial_state boolean (Optional, default: true)

Start FFmpeg with home-assistant.

peak integer (Optional, default: -30)

The threshold of detecting noise, in dB. 0 is very loud and -100 is low.

duration integer (Optional, default: 1)

How long the noise needs to be over the peak to trigger the state.

reset integer (Optional, default: 20)

The time to reset the state after no new noise is over the peak.

extra_arguments string (Optional)

Extra options to pass to ffmpeg, like audio frequency filtering.

output string (Optional)

Allows you to send the audio output of this sensor to an Icecast server or other FFmpeg-supported output, e.g., to stream with Sonos after a state is triggered.

To experiment with values:

ffmpeg -i YOUR_INPUT -vn -filter:a silencedetect=n=-30dB:d=1 -f null -


Unresponsive after a while

If the noise sensor becomes unresponsive, make sure you have extra_arguments: -nostats in the configuration.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: ffmpeg_noise
    extra_arguments: -nostats