The caldav platform allows you to connect to your WebDAV calendar and generate binary sensors. A different sensor will be created for each individual calendar, or you can specify custom calendars which match a criteria you define (more on that below). These sensors will be on if you have an on going event in that calendar or off if the event is later in time, or if there is no event at all. The WebDAV calendar get updated roughly every 15 minutes.


You need to have a CalDAV server and credentials for it. This integration was tested against Baikal but any integration complying with the RFC4791 should work. Nextcloud and Owncloud work fine.

Basic Setup

To integrate a WebDAV calendar in Home Assistant, add the following section to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for baikal
  - platform: caldav
    username: [email protected]
    password: !secret caldav
    url:[email protected]/default
# Example configuration.yaml entry for nextcloud, calendars will be found automatically
  - platform: caldav
    username: john.doe
    password: !secret caldav
# Example configuration.yaml entry for Radicale, calendars will be found automatically
  - platform: caldav
    username: john.doe
    password: !secret caldav
# Example configuration.yaml entry for iCloud, calendars will be found automatically
  - platform: caldav
    username: !secret userIcloud
    password: !secret passIcloud

This example will generate default binary sensors for each calendar you have in your account. Those calendars will be on when there is an ongoing event and off if not. Events that last a whole day are ignored in those calendars. You have to setup custom calendars in order to take them into account or for advanced event filtering.

Custom calendars

You have the possibility to create multiple binary sensors for events that match certain conditions.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: caldav
    username: [email protected]
    password: !secret caldav
    url:[email protected]/default
      - name: "HomeOffice"
        calendar: "Agenda"
        search: "HomeOffice"
      - name: "WarmupFlat"
        calendar: "Agenda"
        search: "Warmup"

This will create two binary sensors for the calendar name Agenda: “HomeOffice” and “WarmupFlat”. Those sensors will be on if there is an ongoing event matching the regular expression specified in search. In custom calendars, events that last a whole day are taken into account.

Please note that if you use the custom_calendars option, only those calendars will be loaded. You cannot use calendars and custom_calendars in the same configuration.

Configuration Variables

url string Required

The full URL to your calendars.

username string (Optional)

Username for authentication.

password string (Optional)

Password for authentication.

calendars list (Optional)

List of the calendars to filter. Empty or absent means no filtering, i.e., all calendars will be added. It cannot be used if custom_calender option is used.

custom_calendars list (Optional)

Details on any custom binary sensor calendars you want to create. Using this will only load the custom calendars supplied. No other calendars will load.

name string Required

The name of your custom calendar.

calendar string Required

The source calendar to search on.

search string Required

Regular expression for filtering the events based on the content of their summary, description or location.

days integer (Optional, default: 1)

Number of days for the search for upcoming appointments.

verify_ssl boolean (Optional, default: true)

Verify the SSL certificate or not. If using self-signed certificates, this usually needs to be set to “False”.

Sensor attributes

  • offset_reached: If set in the event title and parsed out will be on/off once the offset in the title in minutes is reached. So the title Very important meeting !! -10 would trigger this attribute to be on 10 minutes before the event starts. This should be in the format of HH:MM or MM.
  • all_day: True/False if this is an all day event. Will be False if there is no event found.
  • message: The event title with the search values extracted. So in the above example for offset_reached the message would be set to Very important meeting
  • description: The event description.
  • location: The event Location.
  • start_time: Start time of event.
  • end_time: End time of event.


All events of the calendars “private” and “holidays”. Note that all day events are not included.

# Example configuration.yaml entry for nextcloud
  - platform: caldav
    username: "me"
    password: !secret caldav
      - private
      - holidays

Full example with automation to wake up to music if not holiday. Prerequisite: you have a calendar named “work” where you create calendar entries containing “Holiday”.

Custom calendar names are built from the main calendar + name of the custom calendar. Using the option of '.*' will load all calendar events.

# configuration.yaml
  - platform: caldav
    username: "me"
    password: !secret caldav
      - name: holiday
        calendar: work
        search: "Holiday"
      - name: vacation
        calendar: vacation
        search: ".*"

# automations.yaml
- id: wakeup
  alias: "worktime wakeup"
    platform: time
    at: "06:40:00"
  - service: media_player.media_play
      entity_id: media_player.bedroom
  - condition: state
    entity_id: calendar.work_holiday
    state: "off"