Alarm Control Panel

Home Assistant can give you an interface which is similar to a classic alarm system. Please see manual alarm or template alarm for alarm configuration.

Building block integration

The alarm control panel integration cannot be directly used. You cannot create your own alarm control panel entities using this integration. This integration is a building block for other integrations to use, enabling them to create alarm control panel entities for you.


Depending on features supported by a specific integration alarm may expose the following services:

Service Data Description
alarm_arm_home entity_id
code (optional)
Arm the alarm in the home mode.
alarm_arm_away entity_id
code (optional)
Arm the alarm in the away mode.
alarm_arm_night entity_id
code (optional)
Arm the alarm in the night mode.
alarm_arm_vacation entity_id
code (optional)
Arm the alarm in the vacation mode.
alarm_disarm entity_id
code (optional)
Disarm the alarm.
alarm_trigger entity_id
code (optional)
Trigger the alarm manually.
alarm_arm_custom_bypass entity_id
code (optional)
Send arm custom bypass command.