Synology DSM

The Synology DSM integration provides access to various statistics from your Synology NAS (DSM 5.x and higher) as well as cameras from the Surveillance Station.


To add the Synology DSM integration to your Home Assistant instance, use this My button:

Synology DSM can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If an instance was found, it will be shown as Discovered. You can then set it up right away.

This sensor will wake up your Synology NAS if it’s in hibernation mode.

You can change the scan interval within the configuration options (default is 15 min).

Having cameras or the Home mode toggle from Surveillance Station will fetch every 30 seconds. Disable those entities if you don’t want your NAS to be fetch as frequently.

If you have two or more NICs with different IP addresses from the same subnet and SSDP is activated, this leads to problems with this integration, as the NAS is detected several times with different IPs and the integration always adopts the new “detected” IP address in its configuration and then reloads it. In this case, it is recommended to use NIC bonding instead or to deactivate SSDP.

Separate User Configuration

Due to the nature of the Synology DSM API, it is required to grant the user admin rights. This is related to the fact that utilization information is stored in the core module.

When creating the user, it is possible to deny access to all locations and applications. By doing this, the user will not be able to login to the web interface or view any of the files on the Synology NAS. It is still able to read the utilization and storage information using the API.

If you want to add cameras from Surveillance Station, the user needs application permission for Surveillance Station.

If you utilize 2-Step Verification or Two Factor Authentication (2FA) with your Synology NAS

If you have the “Enforce 2-step verification for the following users” option checked under Control Panel > Security > Account > 2-Factor Authentication, you’ll need to configure the 2-step verification/one-time password (OTP) for the user you just created before the credentials for this user will work with Home Assistant.

Make sure to log out of your “normal” user’s account and then login with the separate user you created specifically for Home Assistant. DSM will walk you through the process of setting up the one-time password for this user which you’ll then be able to use in Home Assistant’s frontend configuration screen.

If you denied access to all locations and applications it is normal to receive a message indicating you do not have access to DSM when trying to login with this separate user. As noted above, you do not need access to the DSM and Home Assistant will still be able to read statistics from your NAS.


CPU Utilisation sensors

Entities reporting the current and combined CPU utilization of the NAS. There are sensors the report the current CPU load, separated by User, System and others. By default, only the User sensor is enabled.

There are also combined CPU load sensors. These report the total CPU load for the entire NAS. Available as current, 1min, 5min and 15min load sensors. By default the 1min load sensor is disabled.

Memory Utilisation sensors

Entities reporting the current and combined memory and swap utilization of the NAS. These sensors include the total installed amount, the currently free amount and the % of memory used.

Network sensors

Entities reporting the current network transfer rates of the NAS. Both upload and download sensors are available.

General sensors

Entities reporting the internal temperature and the uptime of the NAS. The uptime sensor is disabled by default.

Disk sensors

Entities reporting the internal temperature, status (as shown in Synology DSM) and SMART status for each drive inside the NAS. The SMART status sensor is disabled by default.

Volume sensors

Entities reporting status, total size (TB), used size (TB), % of volume used, average disk temperature and maximum disk temperature for each volume inside the NAS. By default the total size and maximum disk temperature sensors are disabled.

Binary sensors

General sensors

Entity reporting the security status of the NAS.

The security status corresponds with the analysis of the DSM Security Advisor, e.g., an outOfDate state for the Update attribute not only reflects the update status of the installed DSM version but also the status of the installed DSM packages.

Disk sensors

Similar to the normal disk sensors, there are binary sensors reporting each drive’s status. These sensors report if a drive has exceeded the maximum threshold for detected bad sectors and if a drive has dropped below the threshold for its remaining life.


A switch is available to enable/disable the Surveillance Station Home mode.


For each camera added in Surveillance Station, a camera will be created in Home Assistant.


Button reboot

Reboot the NAS.

Button shutdown

Shutdown the NAS.

Media Source

A media source is provided for your Synology Photos.

The media source URIs will look like media-source://synology_dsm/<unique_id>/<album_id>/<image>.

This media browser supports multiple Synology Photos instances. <unique_id> is the Home Assistant ID for the NAS (usually the serial number of the NAS). You can find this id when using the media browser, when you hover over the NAS name, you get shown the simple name followed by the unique id ex: - 18C0PEN253705.

To find the <album_id> you need to go to the album in your photos instance, and the id will be in the URL ex:, where 19 is the album id. An <album_id> of 0 will contain all images.

For performance reasons, a maximum of 1000 images will be shown in the Media Browser.